Creation Palette™

About Creation Palette™

With business model transformation a stated goal in its VISION 2030 long-term business plan, Mitsui Chemicals Inc. is carrying out initiatives to shift from the conventional business of providing materials to a business that operates from a social issue perspective.

To promote these initiatives, Mitsui Chemicals Inc. opened Creation Palette™ as a one-stop space for co-creation. It includes facilities and programs for being introduced to and experiencing the Group's assets in several places around Japan.

Through diverse means of communication connecting the different Creation Palette™ sites, the Group will unite as one and understand the needs of the world and create solutions to become a truly global specialty company.

About logo

The logo consists of two identical characters that mean chemistry. The two characters unite to make another character meaning "flower." The resulting symbol expresses that through growth, innovation is born from the chemical reactions of people and technologies and the fully blooming flower of co-creation.