Organization Restructuring Effective April 2013

February 28, 2013
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.

Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (“MCI”) (Toshikazu Tanaka, President & CEO) announced its April 1, 2013 organizational restructuring to support further acceleration of its business portfolio transformation and implementation of safety directives which are at the base of activities as a manufacturer.

1. Restructuring of Research and Development

To generate new businesses and new product development themes and to ensure their sound commercialization, clarification of such responsibilities in research development, strengthening of research and development capabilities by consolidating key technologies, and acceleration of commercialization of new businesses based on development projects will be implemented with revisions (1) and (2).

(1) Restructuring of Key Technology Developmental Areas and Establishment of Research Facility to Develop New Businesses

Current Development Divisions of Business Sectors, New Materials Development Center, Catalysis Science Laboratory, Material Science Laboratory, and Process Technology Center will be restructured and reorganized into organizations with similar research themes such as Synthetic Chemicals Laboratory, Polymeric Materials Laboratory, Functional Materials Laboratory, and Process Technology Center, and Advancing Analysis Laboratory. Additionally, as the organization responsible for new business themes, the New Products Development Laboratory will be established.

(2) Integration of Management Functions

Management functions of each research facility and staff functions of R&D divisions will be incorporated into the Sodegaura Safety, Environment, and Administration Division and renamed as the R&D Administration Division.

2. Strengthening Safety Management Structure

Following the Iwakuni-Ohtake Works accident, as part of the preventive measures to enhance regulatory functions in regard to safety and the environment, the Safety & Environment Division formerly under the Head Office's Production & Technology Center will be separated and reestablished as a new Safety & Environment Division to clarify organizational structure signifying with “Safety is a Top Priority”.

3. Restructuring of Finance and Accounting Division

To accelerate implementation of management support functions and specialized functions (capital, finances, taxes), the current Finance and Accounting Division will be discontinued and reorganized as the Corporate Performance Management Division and the Finance and Accounting Division.

Please refer to the chart for details of the reorganization.


Organization Restructuring Effective April 2013 (PDF:285KB)PDF