At each of our R&D laboratories, researchers with diverse backgrounds and experience are working hard to achieve customer-driven innovation.
Promotion System
The Mitsui Chemicals Group’s products are comprised of an extensive range of technologies.
In order to cater quickly to a wide variety of customer needs, Mitsui Chemicals consolidates its diverse technologies at each of its R&D laboratories, in order to drive the efficient enhancement and dynamic exploration of those technology areas.
Synthetic Chemicals Laboratory

Proposing new solutions through a wide array of synthetic technologies
As a producer of diverse chemical products for a myriad of applications, the design and synthesis of molecules with intended functions are fundamental to a rational product design and are seen as one of the core technologies at Mitsui Chemicals.
At the Synthetic Chemicals Laboratory, we continually strive for excellence in creating target compounds through the sophisticated chemical and bio-synthetic technologies.
These synthetic technologies enable the development of the advanced functional chemicals that provide solutions for our customers in the fields of healthcare, ICT, and mobility.
Main locations
Polymers & Composite Materials Laboratory

Creating new value from functional polymers with our design technologies creating targeted materials and our sophisticated processing technologies
Polymeric materials have become essential for our daily lives.
While polymeric materials are familiar to us, they require a high level of technology and expertise to enable the targeted performance to emerge because the processes require high-level control of a vast number of parameters, ranging from the design of micro molecular structures to how they are created and how each component is mixed.
New value is created by shaping polymeric materials designed in this way.
Processing technologies that change the form of these materials enable a broad number of applications for a material, ranging from food packaging to the latest IT equipment.
These processing technologies play a prominent role in the expansion of the possibilities of materials.
The missions of the Polymers & Composite Materials Laboratory are to create new materials for the world by taking on the difficult challenge of developing polymeric materials and to create new value provided by the materials through the continued evolution of processing technologies.
Main locations
Process Technology Laboratory

Refining technologies for making products that deliver value to the world
Mitsui Chemicals is a manufacturer. However fantastic our research outcomes may be, they have no value until we deliver them to customers as products.
The Process Technology Laboratory has been working for many years to develop and refine the manufacturing technologies needed to achieve this.
The laboratory supports the mass production of Mitsui Chemicals’ products by solving questions at various stages in the manufacturing process, such as how to produce existing products more efficiently, and what is needed in order to produce new products from scratch. It does this based on extensive knowledge and insights, accumulated through many years of experience, as well as by incorporating the latest simulations and other computer technologies.
Main locations
R&D Planning & Coordination Division

Support Current Research and Innovate for a Better Future
The R&D Planning & Coordination Division provides support functions essential for the implementation of R&D, involving the management of themes and the promotion of health and safety activities throughout the R&D Center.
It is also our role to nurture the seeds of future technologies and businesses.
We are engaged in activities with a vision for future innovation, including formulating strategies to actualize long-term business plans, utilizing paradigm shifts in science and technology, and creating new themes in light of the SDGs.
Main locations
Mobility Development Center

Solutions that go beyond simply proposing materials: proposing new styles that captivate customers
Mitsui Chemicals is currently engaged in efforts to accelerate its R&D activities with new approaches for catering swiftly to the wants and needs of customers and society.
The Mobility Development Center was established in 2017 as a forerunner to those efforts.
With its slogan of “creating and captivating,” the Center has taken a step beyond conventional materials proposal-type R&D, and is working to acquire new technologies that will enable more effective delivery of product value, with a greater understanding of customer needs throughout the development process, from component and material design to prototyping and evaluation.
Main locations
Mitsui Chemicals Singapore R&D Center

Creating new business opportunities as a technology showcase for the Mitsui Chemicals Group in Asia
Societies from India to the Middle East are undergoing rapid modernization, with Southeast Asia in particular drawing the attention of the global economy. This modernization is resulting in the creation of a stream of new markets, offering new business opportunities that are different from those available in Japan.
At the same time, numerous social issues are becoming apparent in these societies.
Mitsui Chemicals Singapore R&D Centre is composed of a diverse team of researchers from the Asia-Pacific region; working to identify local market changes and propose new value through collaboration with customers, research institutions and startup companies in the region.
Main locations
Innovative Solutions Center for Information & Communication Technology

Proposing new products and solutions in the ICT domain
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are essential for supporting safe, comfortable infrastructure, healthy lives and a sustainable global environment. Our target domains are semiconductors, imaging, and batteries. Our strategy is to vertically integrate the processes from the molecular design of materials to the development of technologies for synthesizing, processing, and mass-producing these materials and the evaluation of the compliance of customer's manufacturing processes. We will propose unique new products and solutions in the ICT domain, which is characterized by ongoing technical innovation.
Working together with the ICT Solution Business Sector, we will develop researchers with detailed knowledge of ICT.
Further, we will contribute to the indication of an ICT roadmap and to the progress as indicated through cooperation with customers, equipment manufacturers, industry organizations and academia.
Main locations
Frontier Technology Center

Discovering future technologies and our initial approach
We will add a long-term R&D approach to our R&D strategy. Through this approach we envision the future that we want to create based on many possibilities in anticipation of the world in 2030 and thereafter, which is difficult to predict, and identify challenges by backcasting from the envisioned future.
For this purpose, the Frontier Technology Center acquires, develops, and accumulates future technologies from a long-term perspective, discovers and demonstrates technologies and market opportunities contributing to the creation of new businesses and products, and ascertains future technological trends.