Mitsui Chemicals Receives the Annual Report NIKKEI Award for Excellence
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Tokyo: 4183; President & CEO: Tsutomu Tannowa) has received the 2016 NIKKEI Award for Annual Report Excellence. The Company was similarly honored with the same award in 2014.
Launched in 1998, the NIKKEI Annual Report Awards is an annual initiative that aims to promote the widespread publication and use of annual reports issued by Japanese companies, and to further enhance the quality of financial disclosure. The awards are presented to deserving companies whose annual reports have been deemed especially outstanding. Award winners are selected by a panel of judges comprised primarily of currently active fund managers and analysts in accordance with strict screening criteria.
A total of 85 companies participated in the 19th NIKKEI Annual Report Awards in fiscal 2016. In addition to the Grand Prize, runner-up prizes were presented to four companies, awards for excellence to 14 companies, and special awards to two companies.
In receiving the Award for Excellence, Mitsui Chemicals was recognized for (1) taking into consideration the requirements of individual investors and properly conveying to readers the Company’s overall direction; (2) narrowing its focus to the three key business domains that serve as the engines for ongoing growth and providing an easy-to-understand explanation; and (3) incorporating numerous first-hand comments from stakeholders while allowing readers to gain a genuine and consistent view of the Company in a single sitting.
As a part of the ongoing evolution of its annual financial disclosure endeavors, the Company has issued the “Mitsui Chemicals Report” from 2016. In addition to providing all stakeholders including shareholders and investors with a deeper understanding of the Group’s efforts to create mid- to long-term value, we will utilize this report to establish a platform for meaningful dialogue, which in turn will lead to further recognition.
The Mitsui Chemicals Group will continue to bolster efforts aimed at garnering the trust and understanding of shareholders and investors. We will actively engage in the disclosure of information, place the utmost emphasis on dialogue with all stakeholders, and strengthen IR activities.
To download the Mitsui Chemicals Report: