Briefing on Mitsui Chemicals’ Outcomes for Digital Transformation
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Osamu Hashimoto) has just released the YouTube video "Digital Transformation at Mitsui Chemicals" presented by Masao Sambe, CDO, introducing what Mitsui Chemicals Group is doing for digital transformation, or DX for short.
Would you watch the YouTube video on our corporate transformation through DX for solving social challenges based on our 2030 long-term business plan.
YouTube video:
In this video, you will find the achievements of our DX initiatives, including digital platform developments, AI implementations, DX in sales and marketing, DX at production plants, DX for R&D (e.g. Materials Informatics) and our original DX skill enablement for all members of Mitsui Chemicals Group. "DX Champions" assigned as DX leaders in each business unit are executing the DX initiatives in their respective divisions.

Sambe Masao has been CDO at Mitsui Chemicals since April 2021 and is currently the president of DX sector. He appointed president and CEO of Appliance Commercial Industrial Motors, Nidec, since 2019. Since joining IBM in 1989, he served over 30 years through sector (finance, manufacturing, telecommunications) and brand (hardware, service and software) work. Additionally, he worked at NY IBM corporate headquarters in the U.S. and launched cloud, next-generation financial core banking, WATSON (AI) business, blockchain, quantum computer initiatives, serving IBM’s most important customers.