CEO Message

Reflections on the fiscal 2023 business environment and three years of progress toward VISION 2030
Even in the most challenging business conditions, we remain committed to our targets and determined to accelerate growth.
Three years have passed since we launched VISION 2030. At this point, we are unfortunately falling behind the projected pace for achieving our target of operating income before special items of 200 billion yen by 2025, a key milestone toward VISION 2030. Having acknowledged this reality head-on, I would like to analyze the business environment of fiscal 2023, the results achieved over the past three years, and the challenges that have emerged.
In fiscal 2023, our business environment was significantly impacted by uncertainties surrounding China’s economic outlook, shifts in market dynamics due to oversupply, and intensifying competition from the rising technological capabilities of emerging enterprises in the rest of Asian countries. The chemical industry in Japan is increasingly facing challenges to its traditional technological supremacy.
Despite these circumstances, the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s growth domains have continued to show steady progress, as reflected in our average growth rates for the past five years. However, we must acknowledge that the overall pace is somewhat behind our initial plans. The Life & Healthcare Solutions business, in particular, has encountered challenges such as delays in expanding the oral care business and increased competition in the nonwovens business for hygiene materials, making the return to a growth trajectory an urgent priority. On the other hand, the Mobility Solutions business is expected to achieve its 2025 target ahead of schedule, driven by favorable factors such as the recovery in automobile production and growth in high-value-added areas. The ICT Solutions business, although currently facing a temporary downturn due primarily to the decline in semiconductor demand, is showing signs of recovery, and it is crucial that we capture the growing demand to regain our intended pace. In addition, the Basic & Green Materials business, which is undergoing restructuring, is falling further behind our initial expectations. We had anticipated securing a certain level of profitability once the first phase of restructuring, which involved reviewing and reorganizing large-scale commodity products, was almost completed. However, external factors such as the slowdown in China’s economic growth and changes in domestic market dynamics due to oversupply have so far prevented us from reaching the desired level. Moving forward, we recognize the need to accelerate the second phase of restructuring to swiftly enhance and stabilize profitability.
In this challenging business environment, we expect some of these difficulties to persist long-term. However, we are making steady progress in new business development and corporate transformation, which is bringing us closer to our ideal vision. With a strong commitment to accelerating this momentum and putting our business back on a growth trajectory, we remain determined to achieve our target of operating income before special items of 200 billion yen, a key milestone toward our fiscal 2030 goal.
Direction of VISION 2030 Basic Strategy
Paving the way to becoming a global specialty company through proactive resource allocation and multi-company collaborations.
We will drive our business portfolio transformation through two strategic pillars: the pursuit of high-growth, high-profitability global specialty chemicals businesses in the growth domains, and the pursuit of a green chemicals business centered on competitive derivatives in the Basic & Green Materials business.
To further accelerate growth in the growth domains, we must not only rely on organic growth by refining our Group’s existing technologies to enhance competitiveness but also pursue inorganic growth through M&As and alliances.
For example, in the Life & Healthcare Solutions business, we have established a new company with Asahi Kasei Corp. to strengthen and expand our industrial materials portfolio within the nonwovens business. By combining the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s strengths in polyolefin and other raw material design technology with the processing technology of Asahi Kasei, who have long-standing expertise in fibers, we aim to build a cost-competitive business foundation while enhancing our portfolio by shifting toward higher value-added products in the challenging hygiene materials market. In the ICT Solutions business, we are actively investing in the semiconductor field, where demand is expected to continue growing. In the area of the front-end process of semiconductor manufacturing, we are leveraging our Group’s pellicle technology and collaborating with ASML and imec to commercialize next-generation EUV pellicles, specifically CNT pellicles. Additionally, in the back-end processes where materials such as adhesive and coating materials can maximize their potential, we have decided to invest in Shinko Electric Industries. By leveraging such synergies with other companies in the high-barrier-to-entry semiconductor field, we aim to accelerate material development for next-generation semiconductors and expand our business. Furthermore, in the optical field, including displays, we see opportunities to effectively utilize our Group’s existing materials and technologies in next-generation areas such as AR and VR (collectively referred to as XR). We are actively investing resources to expand the deployment of these products across multiple applications.
In the Basic & Green Materials business, as mentioned earlier, we are accelerating the second phase of restructuring to reduce volatility and strengthen our business foundation. In the derivatives field, we will classify products based on three key perspectives. The first is product competitiveness. The second perspective involves essential demand, taking economic security into consideration as well. This includes so-called commodity products, but we will ensure profitability by pursuing an optimal operating structure in line with demand such as through regional and multi-company collaborations. The third is a focus on capital efficiency. By optimizing our portfolio according to these perspectives, we aim to transform into a leaner, more resilient business structure.
In building solutions-based business models, we have appointed Mr. OMOTE Toshihiko, who has extensive expertise in downstream areas, as Executive Advisor responsible for the New Business Incubation Center. By combining his expertise with our strong upstream B2B perspective, we are creating a process that will generate various new businesses, products, and business models. Additionally, through collaborations with startups via the launch of a CVC fund, we are exploring unmet societal needs. At the same time, by integrating technologies and know-how across different fields within and outside the Group, we are advancing the development of various next-generation businesses. Among others, we have identified three key target areas as candidates for next-generation businesses, where we can fully leverage the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s assets and expertise: robot solutions, data solutions, and medical solutions. This approach goes beyond simply combining two materials or technologies to create new products, such as lens materials and coating technologies. It involves comprehensive system and business design, utilizing our Group’s data and algorithms throughout the entire process, from extensive material selection to design and mass production. As these initiatives bear fruit, we aim to create a unique business model that cannot be easily replicated by others, thereby growing our new businesses to a level where they can stand alongside our four current business domains.
I believe that digital transformation (DX) will be a powerful driver in accelerating these initiatives. We will push forward with technology and R&D to create highly efficient and safe manufacturing environments through the incorporation of advanced technologies such as IoT and AI, promote green chemicals through the development of a resource circulation platform, and utilize materials informatics through leveraging vast amounts of research data. In parallel, our Digital Transformation Sector will lead efforts to improve the digital literacy of our Group’s employees. By accelerating the pace of innovation across the Group and enabling our employees to build up successes, we aim to realize corporate transformation (CX).
Transforming our corporate culture to realize our ideal vision
Transforming mindsets to encourage the pursuit of challenges and fostering new ideas to achieve our ideal vision.

I have repeatedly emphasized that the key players in executing these strategies are our employees. No matter how excellent the strategies may be, they cannot be realized without the commitment of the employees who carry them out. Particularly in building a solutions-based business model, it is crucial to shift the mindset of our employees from the traditional B2B approach to a multifaceted perspective that drives the creation of new businesses. Through daily communication with our employees, I sense that an awareness of the need to take on new challenges is gradually taking shape, but the concrete steps to translate this awareness into action are still ahead of us. We as a company must continue to provide clear direction in this regard. Another important point is to expand this mindset globally. To support this effort, we are holding business contests within the Group to solicit proposals for new businesses and products. The first contest, held in fiscal 2023, focused primarily on our Asian affiliates. Starting in fiscal 2024, we are inviting ideas from all our overseas affiliates, with the final selection process involving voting by executives and global employees acting as judges. The winning ideas will receive support for commercialization under the sponsoring business division. I believe this initiative will not only provide an opportunity for each individual to meet the spirit of challenge and experience success, but also foster global connections among our employees.
In addition, we have strengthened our human resources strategy by introducing Workday—a Group-wide integrated human resources platform—that enables us to manage the data of approximately 20,000 global employees. I believe this has laid the groundwork for fully leveraging our Group’s resources to execute our strategies of accelerating business portfolio transformation and building solutions-based business models.
In addition to the initiatives already mentioned, we will continue to invest in measures to create a comfortable environment for and enhance the skills of our workforce, including measures for work style reform and reskilling. As I explained in my message in the Mitsui Chemicals Report 2022, these measures are designed with the intention of incorporating “the principle of fair equality of opportunity” and “the right to equal liberty,” two important social principles advocated by the political philosopher John Rawls, into our organization. If we are to translate these social principles into corporate principles, it means ensuring that all employees globally are given equal opportunities to excel and the liberty to think freely through the establishment of an optimal work environment and the implementation of policies that recognize and encourage taking on challenges. Of course, equality does not mean uniformity. Our employees have diverse personalities and abilities, so our evaluation systems must not be one-size-fits-all. I believe that by developing systems and environments where employees from diverse backgrounds can leverage their unique strengths, we will move closer to realizing our Group’s ideal vision.
Achieving both social value and financial value through the realization of green chemicals
Becoming a first mover in truly helping solve social challenges amid major changes in the chemical industry.
In the rapidly changing world of the chemical industry, the Mitsui Chemicals Group has always been at the forefront of the times—from the first generation of coal chemistry to the second generation of petrochemicals. It is this sense of pride and our transformational DNA that gives me confidence that we can also play a pioneering role in realizing the third generation of green chemicals.
The restructuring of the petrochemical sector is currently a major topic in the chemical industry, but it is important to note that the foundations of next-generation fields, such as semiconductors and electric vehicles (EVs), also rely on basic materials and related technologies upstream in the production chain. The challenge is how to enhance value added and achieve sustainable growth while being mindful of these essential elements, which are also tied to economic security. For our Group, a major challenge is to further develop the lineage of petrochemical-related technologies we have cultivated over our long history and to succeed in the transformation toward green chemicals. While this is undoubtedly a difficult undertaking, we also see it as an opportunity. If we can achieve a shift to green basic materials upstream in the production chain for a wide range of chemical materials, it will serve as a significant point of differentiation for us. Given our journey alongside Japan’s petrochemical industry, from the period after the Second World War through the era of rapid economic growth, we feel it is our responsibility to make this transformation a reality.
To achieve this, we are currently pursuing three major initiatives. The first is promoting the shift to green chemicals in chemical complexes and designing ecosystems for the use of bio-based raw materials and clean ammonia, through collaboration with industry peers, academia, and startups. The second initiative involves promoting competitive and monetizable derivatives in collaboration with national and local governments, as well as customers. The third focuses on the transition to green energy, including electricity, gas, and other essential social infrastructure needed for production. All of these elements are indispensable for the realization of green chemicals.
As we advance these initiatives, it is important to ensure that our contributions to solving social challenges are properly reflected in our profits. If a business is not profitable, it is a sign that society does not fully recognize its value. A business that truly contributes to society is one where our end-users and customers recognize the value added of its products—and that recognition also translates into profitability. A key barometer for measuring whether we are on the right track is the sales revenue ratio of our Blue Value™ and Rose Value™ products, which we have established as non-financial KPIs. I believe that by steadily increasing these figures, we can pursue both social value and financial value at the same time.
Enhancing capital efficiency and maximizing opportunities
Steadily progressing toward the realization of VISION 2030 through the solid implementation of our strategy.
In addition to the solid implementation of the strategies described so far, we are actively working to reduce our bloated inventories and pursue an asset-light strategy for the Basic & Green Materials business and the Group as a whole. We are also divesting cross-shareholdings that are not directly aligned with our strategy. By reinvesting the cash generated from these efforts and returning it to our shareholders, we aim to improve capital efficiency and are considering raising our ROE target from the originally planned 10% for 2030. To achieve this, we will continue to place an even greater emphasis on capital efficiency in our actions moving forward. Additionally, in July 2023, we announced a revamp of our risk management system. We established a new Risk Management Committee, with responsible officers for each division serving as risk owners, creating a structure where the risks in their respective areas are discussed within the committee. This approach allows management to have a comprehensive overview of risks, identify and prioritize key Group-wide risks, visualize response measures, and integrate them into management planning systems. Incorporating ESG issues into our strategy is also part of our risk management efforts. We adopt a comprehensive risk management approach that addresses the negative aspects of risk to fulfill our corporate social responsibility and simultaneously seeks to seize business opportunities through problem-solving, aiming to minimize threats and maximize opportunities.
Four years have passed since I took up the role of President & CEO in April 2020. I see it as my responsibility to take a sincere look back at our progress, including a review of VISION 2030, to ensure sustainable growth and enhance corporate value as we move toward our 2030 goals. Since the COVID-19 pandemic eased, I have participated in many international conferences on behalf of the Mitsui Chemicals Group, including the World Economic Forum in Davos. Engaging in discussions with some of the world’s leading companies has been a valuable opportunity, highlighting just how much work remains to be done. Running a company is, of course, not something that can be done by one person alone; rather, it is akin to Ekiden, or a long-distance relay race. To that end, we are making steady progress in key talent management, including succession planning. I believe that when the time comes to pass the baton, it should be done with the company already in a state of strong momentum.
The transformation toward VISION 2030 is still a work in progress. While the business environment has changed since the Vision was formulated, our overall direction remains the same. I believe that addressing challenges while staying true to our core focus of becoming a global specialty company is the key to meeting the expectations of our stakeholders.