Mitsui Chemicals Receives Award for Excellence at Nikkei Annual Report Awards 2019
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Tokyo: 4183; President & CEO: Tsutomu Tannowa) has won the Award for Excellence at the Nikkei Annual Report Awards 2019, organized by Nikkei Inc. This achievement follows upon recent success here for Mitsui Chemicals in having won the Award for Excellence in 2016 and the Special Award in 2017, and placing runner-up for the Grand Prize in 2018.
Launched in 1998, the Nikkei Annual Report Awards is an annual initiative that aims to promote the widespread publication and use of annual reports issued by Japanese companies, and to further enhance the quality of financial disclosure. The awards are presented to deserving companies whose annual reports have been deemed especially outstanding. Award winners are selected by a panel of judges comprised primarily of currently active fund managers and analysts in accordance with strict screening criteria.
A total of 133 companies participated in the 22nd Nikkei Annual Report Awards. In addition to the Grand Prize, runner-up prizes were presented to three companies, awards for excellence to 14 companies, and special awards to two companies.
Mitsui Chemicals was highly commended on the following for this year's award:
- The report is well balanced, with persuasive statements concerning improvements in the company’s medium-to long-term corporate value.
- The messages from the CEO and CFO are straightforward, providing a good understanding of the company’s direction and attitude.
- The report offers extensive disclosures in the areas of the environment and society.
The report presents shareholders, investors and other stakeholders with information on initiatives to address social issues through the Mitsui Chemicals Group's business activities. These initiatives are measured according to their impact in the three areas of the economy, the environment and society. While deepening the reader's understanding of value creation over the medium and long-term, the report is intended as a platform for meaningful discussions.
Mitsui Chemicals will seek to win further understanding and trust from shareholders and investors by proactively sharing information, emphasizing dialogue with stakeholders and augmenting its investor relations efforts.

Mitsui Chemicals Report: