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Endeavor to create a circular economy

Management System

Basic Approach

Through the supply of chemical products and high-performance plastic products, the Mitsui Chemicals Group has contributed to improving convenience in people’s lives and helped to solve challenges in society by, for example, reducing food loss and improving energy efficiency. At the same time, our business activities require the substantial use of fossil resources and energy, which emits large volumes of greenhouse gases (GHGs). Also, in recent years, there are concerns over environmental pollution caused by plastic waste flowing into the oceans.

To resolve these challenges, we believe that a transition is needed from a so-called linear economy of consuming resources and disposing of products to a circular economy in which renewable resources are used and other resources are utilized efficiently as well as collected for reuse to prevent waste. The Mitsui Chemicals Group will promote resource recycling through action on its carbon neutral strategy, biomass strategy, and recycling strategy, as well as through efforts to address the problem of marine plastic waste, contributing to the realization of a circular economy.

*The Mitsui Chemicals Group has identified "Circular Economy" as one of its material topics. Please see here for details.

Endeavor to create a circular economy

System and Responsible Officers

We have appointed the officer in charge of the Corporate Sustainability Committee to take charge of addressing climate change and plastic waste problems as ESG-related problems mentioned in the SDGs. The committee reviews Group-wide policies, strategies, and plans. The results of the Committee’s discussions and activities conducted are reported to the Management Committee. In addition, particularly important matters are decided and supervised by the Board of Directors after they are discussed at the Company-wide Strategy Committee and deliberated by the Management Committee.
Furthermore, we have established the Circular Economy Center of Excellence (CoE) under the Corporate Sustainability Committee. The Circular Economy CoE system consists of biomass, recycling, and climate change working groups, which are overseen by the steering committee where the CTO serves as the supervisor and the Green Chemicals Business Promotion Office as the secretariat. Through participation in each working group by related departments and information sharing and discussion, it is working to efficiently promote both projects run individually by departments and cross-organizational projects. The content of discussions conducted by the steering committee are reported to the Corporate Sustainability Committee. In addition, policies discussed at the steering committee are fed back to working groups, thus ensuring consistency with companywide strategy.

System & Responsible Officers

Risk management & business strategies

The Mitsui Chemicals Group is committed to addressing “climate change” and “circular economy” as our material topics. We quantitatively evaluate and analyze the business impacts of climate change and the circular economy in terms of both risks and opportunities, reflecting them in our medium- and long-term business strategies.

We identify risks and opportunities on a Group-wide basis under our risk management system. In FY2023, climate change and natural capital were designated as key Group-wide risks. We ensure the implementation of the PDCA cycle within our business plan system to address these key risks effectively.

To accelerate the promotion of various strategies towards a circular economy, we introduced internal carbon pricing (ICP) in FY2019. By adding IRR (c-IRR), which takes ICP into account as a factor in decision-making for large-scale investments, we have a system that discusses the necessity of investments not only from an economic standpoint but also from the perspective of reducing environmental impact. In FY2022, we revised the internal carbon price from 3,000 yen/t-CO2e to 15,000 yen/t-CO2e. This system supports the consideration of lower-carbon investments from the planning stage of investment projects.

Goals and Results

GHG emissions reduction rate

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(Medium to Long-term)
GoalsResultsLevel AchievedGoalsGoals
GHG emissions reduction rate (Scopes 1 and 2)
*compared to FY2013
Mitsui Chemicals Group21%27%26%40%

Sales revenue ratio of Blue Value™ products

This table is scrollable.

(Medium to Long-term)
GoalsResultsLevel AchievedGoalsGoals
Sales revenue ratio of Blue Value™ productsMitsui Chemicals Group22%22%24%40%