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ESG Performance Data


* The 2022 data are assured by an independent assurance institution in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000. Click here for the independent assurance report and the calculation report related to the data covered by the assurance.

* For details on data collection sites, please see scope of data in the "Editorial Policy".

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Energy


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GHG emissions (Scope1) / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.3,4983,5953,3363,543
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates646365119
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates17815414322
Mitsui Chemicals Group3,7403,8123,5453,684
GHG emissions (Scope2) / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.514531470534
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates150145138145
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates530384350232
Mitsui Chemicals Group1,1931,063957911
GHG emissions(Scopes 1 and 2)/ thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group4,9334,8734,5024,595
GHG emissions (Scope3) / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.9,32611,39811,691
 01: Purchased goods and servicesMitsui Chemicals, Inc.2,9454,6035,525
02: Capital goods128126136
03: Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 and 2)249265272
04: Transportation/distribution (upstream)505265
05: Waste generated from operations374943
06: Business travel117
07: Employee commuting554
08: Leased assets (upstream)111
11: Sold product specifications2,8103,3292,985
12: Sold product disposals2,2872,2972,034
15: Investment812672619
GHG emissions intensity per unit of sales / tons・billion yen-1Mitsui Chemicals Group407302240263

GHG emissions reduction rate (Scopes 1 and 2)/ %

* compared to FY2013

Mitsui Chemicals Group20212725


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Energy consumption / PJMitsui Chemicals, Inc.72.974.569.567.9
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates3.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates10.
Mitsui Chemicals Group87.188.082.877.8
Non-renewable energy consumption / MWhMitsui Chemicals Group20,985,00021,659,00022,984,40021,497,000
Renewable energy consumption / MWhMitsui Chemicals Group110,00085,40096,300203,000
Energy intensity index (FY2009=100)Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.96.692.797.199.8
Five-year annual energy intensity reduction rate / %Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.△0.7△0.2△0.71.0

Industrial Waste

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Waste generated / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group206.1221.9213.2362.6
 Hazardous waste*1 / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group39.5
Waste sent off-site / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group149.5167.7152.5162.0
 Hazardous waste*1 / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group30.5

Waste diverted from disposal (Recycling)

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Total recycling / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group142.7
 Hazardous waste*1 / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group17.6
Onsite recycling / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group15.528.723.8
Offsite recycling / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group115.6122.7111.3118.9
Recycling rate*2 / %Mitsui Chemicals Group77.373.273.073.4

Waste directed to disposal (Incineration, Landfilling)

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Total Incineration / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals Group217.9
 with energy recovery / thousand tons155.2
 Hazardous waste*1 / thousand tons12.8
 without energy recovery / thousand tons62.6
 Hazardous waste*1 / thousand tons8.7
Onsite Incineration / thousand tons38.832.0176.3
 with energy recovery / thousand tons122.0
 without energy recovery / thousand tons54.3
Offsite Incineration / thousand tons44.240.641.6
 with energy recovery / thousand tons33.2
 without energy recovery / thousand tons8.4
Total landfill / thousand tons0.
 Hazardous waste / thousand tons0.3
Onsite landfill / thousand tons0.
Offsite landfill / thousand tons0.
Landfill Rate for Industrial Waste*3 / %

Substances Subject to the PRTR Act

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Substances subject to the PRTR Act emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.808827756779


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Volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.1,5371,5971,4731,420
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates434467527646
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates803541247
Mitsui Chemicals Group2,0512,0992,0402,313
NOx emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.2,1862,2532,2662,430
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates107837595
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates2012001331
Mitsui Chemicals Group2,4942,5362,3532,556
SOx emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.303414471479
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates43201017
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates4316424
Mitsui Chemicals Group389451485520
Soot and dust emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.93966846
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates11823
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates60513649
Mitsui Chemicals Group16415410798
Emissions of hazardous air pollutants / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.43111112
Fluorocarbons emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.5333
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates0000
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates6211
Mitsui Chemicals Group11554


Efficient Use of Water

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Total water withdrawal (Surface water, Groundwater, Seawater, Produced water, Third-party water)  / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.505.3481.7479.3500.8
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates20.314.314.416.7
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates3.
Mitsui Chemicals Group528.8499.3495.1519.5
 Surface water / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates1.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates0.
Mitsui Chemicals Group1.
Groundwater / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates1.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates0.
Mitsui Chemicals Group1.
Seawater / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.422.0387.6392.2413.9
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates8.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates0.
Mitsui Chemicals Group431.0396.0400.6422.6
Produced water / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.0.00.0
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates0.00.0
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates0.00.0
Mitsui Chemicals Group0.
Third-party water / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.82.793.486.586.4
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates8.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates3.
Mitsui Chemicals Group94.699.790.893.3
Recycled water / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.1,625.61,663.31,606.51,576.6
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates101.199.4101.6120.1
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates36.536.029.721.8
Mitsui Chemicals Group1,763.31,798.71,737.91,718.5
Water recycling ratio / %Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.76.377.577.075.9
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates83.387.487.687.8
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates91.591.495.391.5
Mitsui Chemicals Group76.978.377.876.8
Discharge water volume / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.485.5459.5448.0466.6
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates20.120.014.316.0
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates1.
Mitsui Chemicals Group506.7474.9462.8483.2
 Discharge freshwater volume / million m3Mitsui Chemicals Group75.778.962.260.6
Water consumption / million m3Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.19.822.231.334.1
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates0.
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates2.
Mitsui Chemicals Group22.124.432.336.3
Freshwater consumption in water-stressed areas / million m3Mitsui Chemicals Group0.0130.0140.0120.014

Emissions of Water Pollutants

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COD, BOD emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.836850742723
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates65504853
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates1,2741,225149199
Mitsui Chemicals Group2,1762,125939975
Total nitrogen emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.1,0721,014891799
Total phosphorous emissions / tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.26232315

Environmental Accounting

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Environmental preservation costs (Investment) / billion yenMitsui Chemicals, Inc.
Environmental preservation costs (Expenditure) / billion yen21.724.125.826.8
Economic impact of environmental initiatives / billion yen1.

Visualization of Contributions to the Environment

Blue Value™ products sales ratio / %Mitsui Chemicals Group15182224


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Number of environment-related accidentsMitsui Chemicals Group0000
Number of violations to environmental laws and regulationsMitsui Chemicals Group0000
Purchased raw materials / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.4,3984,5593,8634,168
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates462414420458
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates1,4501,4939971,357
Mitsui Chemicals Group6,3106,3675,2815,983
Purchased materials / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.38383333
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates19988
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates2020302398
Mitsui Chemicals Group7767343439
Products shipped / thousand tonsMitsui Chemicals, Inc.4,4754,5614,1183,770
Domestic subsidiaries and affiliates498498468495
Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates1,4621,4891,0311,276
Mitsui Chemicals Group6,4356,5475,6165,542

*1 In Japan, calculated based on the definition of “specially controlled industrial waste” stipulated by Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act; overseas, calculated based on the definition of hazardous waste stipulated by local laws and regulations or the Basel Convention .

*2 Recycling ratio = Offsite recycling/Waste sent off-site

*3 Landfill rate for industrial waste = Landfill/Waste generated