Our whistleblowing system enables any Group employee who has obtained information related to risks, including acts in violation of a law or regulation that have been or about to be committed within the Company, to directly report the matter to and consult the Corporate Administration & Legal Division, which is our Compliance Management Committee, or an outside attorney. The system is open not only to officers, corporate auditors, and employees, but also to all parties with an interest in the Group’s business activities, including the families of officers, corporate auditors, employees, retired employees, contractors at our works or other sites, and suppliers. Any and all information related to risks received through the whistleblowing system is immediately and periodically reported to the Company’s corporate auditors, and important information is reported to the Company’s Board of Directors if necessary. Our "Whistleblower Management Regulations" clearly stipulate that whistleblowers will not be subject to penalty and retaliation because of whistleblowing. We also have established disciplinary measures and strictly enforce them for those who violate the regulations.
Compliance Management
Whistleblowing system
Whistleblowing procedure
Reporting and Consultation Desk contact from Japan and other Asia-Pacific countries*
* Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia
Click here to contact the reporting and consultation desk
There are three contact desks: Contact to Corporate Administration & Legal Div., Contact External lawyer, Harassment and human rights consultation (HR)
Reporting and Consultation Desk contact from countries other than those listed above
[ Report and Consultation to the Company’s Risk & Compliance Committee ]
Tokyo Midtown Yaesu, Yaesu Central Tower, 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0028, Japan
Corporate Administration & Legal Division
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
[ Report and consultation to external contact [attorney] ]
Kasumigaseki Building 12F, Kasumigaseki, 3-2-5, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6012, Japan
Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Hotline
Daiichifuyo Law Office
Target Case Studies
- Corruption, Bribery
- Illicit gain
- Quality fraud
- Information leakage
- Accounting and tax fraud
- Problems related to the employment environment
- Violation of safety, environment, and chemicals regulations
- Discrimination and harassment
- Human rights [forced labor, child labor etc.]
Operation of the whistleblowing system
- Anonymous reports and requests for advice by letter or e-mail are accepted. However, please be aware that in the event that a person cannot be contacted by the Company’s Risk & Compliance Committee or an external contact, it may not be possible to fully understand the situation and take steps, such as conducting an appropriate investigation or implementing measures.
- The Group restricts the people who are able to view the e-mails and letters received by the Risk & Compliance Committee or the external point of contact to some members of the Secretariat of the Committee. Furthermore, those who are able to view the correspondence strictly observe confidentiality with regard to the name or position of the person making the report or seeking advice or with regard to the content of their report (including acts that would make it easy to ascertain the name or position of the person making the report or seeking advice, or the content of their report), which is not disclosed to anyone other than the minimum number of officers, employees, or attorneys required for the investigation.
- Internally stipulated regulations safeguard the information against further disclosure or leakage.
- The Group will keep confidential any information related to people who are cooperating in the investigation or information gained through the investigation from anyone who is not involved. However, information on reported and consulted cases may be notified to the Group’s officers, corporate auditors, and employees in a way that will not identify the person who reported or sought advice in order to educate the others and prevent recurrence.
- Any person who has reported, sought advice, or cooperated in an investigation is not subject to penalty and retaliation as a result of making the report, seeing advice, or cooperating in the investigation. However, this does not apply to cases where the person who used the system to report or seek advice did so for the purpose of deceiving others, for example by deliberately conveying false information, or cases in which a report was made for the purpose of violating a law, regulation, etc., such as coercion or blackmail.
- A prompt and careful investigation will be conducted for all reports and consultations. If a legal or regulatory violation or a situation that may lead to such a violation is discovered, necessary corrective action, etc., will be taken properly. In addition, such corrective action, etc., is shared across the Group to ensure that a similar problem will not happen again within the Group.
Whistleblowing System Operating Performance
*Breakdown of FY2022 (Harassment: 13 cases; illicit gains and bribery: 6 cases; violation of safety, environment, and chemicals regulations: 2 cases; others: 10 cases)