Our Material Topics
Material Topics and VISION 2030
The Mitsui Chemicals Group's Material Topics and VISION 2030
The Mitsui Chemicals Group aims to engage in business activities that help solve social challenges and sustainably grow and develop with society by deepening the triple bottom line management approach, which is founded on the three axes of economy, environment, and society, and managing the Group companies from a long-term perspective.
In FY2021, we formulated VISION 2030, a long-term business plan until 2030.
To formulate VISION 2030, we returned to the Group’s purpose, which is to solve social challenges.
We hope to become an enterprise that continuously provides solutions with the power of chemistry capable of creating diverse values to address the various social issues that have arisen amidst the accelerating environmental changes, so we have defined the Group’s vision to achieve in the next 15 to 20 years as follows: become a corporate group that continues to grow sustainably by solving social issues with the power of chemistry and creating diverse values.
In light of the changes and megatrends in our internal and external environments, we have defined three visions of the ideal future society that we will contribute to create, as the direction for the Group to take in order to address the numerous environmental and social issues that may arise.
The first vision is to create “A circular society in harmony with the environment.” Based on our Corporate Mission of keeping in “harmony with the global environment,” we aim to realize “a circular society in harmony with the environment” through the provision of products and services that contribute to reducing environmental impact and the effective utilization of resources.
The second is to create “A comfortable society in which people can enjoy healthy lives and well-being.” Based on “Promoting human well-being,” one of the five social contribution areas of our Corporate Mission, we aim to realize a “a comfortable society in which people can enjoy healthy lives and well-being,” through the provision of products and services that contribute to improving the health, well-being, and comfort in the lives of the people from all walks of life, even in the face of various changes in the environment.
The third one is to create “An inclusive society creating diverse value.” In order to fulfill our mission of “contributing to society through innovation and the creation of materials,” which is set forth in our Corporate Mission, we will create new value by sparking chain reactions through recognizing and utilizing diversity, the source of innovation, thereby aiming to realize “an inclusive society creating diverse value.”
The Group has identified the material topics to address in order to realize these three visions of ideal future society and has incorporated them in the basic strategies for VISION 2030.
In addition, we have set KPIs and targets linked to material topics as non-financial metrics to ensure the execution of VISION 2030. Based on these non-financial metrics, we intend to improve our corporate value while implementing specific PDCA cycles.