The Mitsui Chemicals Group will continually strive to:
Social Activities
Management System

Policy and Basic Approach
The Mitsui Chemicals Group believes that it can effectively help to resolve social challenges by harnessing its strengths and unique characteristics as a Group. With that in mind, we utilize our chemical technologies and products and roll out a host of social contribution activities that include efforts to develop the future generation and provide disaster relief. At the same time, we undertake various endeavors to encourage our employees to participate in social contribution activities of their own accord. In addition, and with the aim of ensuring that our sites are always open to the local community, we place the utmost importance on communication with members of the local community while working in harmony with all those around us.
The Mitsui Chemicals Group Social Activities Policy
- Harness and improve its chemical technologies to contribute to society as a whole
- Work in harmony with local communities and ensure that its sites are as open as possible
- Do its bit to nurture future generations, on whose shoulders the future rests
- Carry out activities aimed at protecting the environment
- Engage in active international exchange and cooperation
- Create a corporate environment in which individual employees can actively participate in social activities
Established on April 1, 2006
System and Responsible Officers
With the responsible officer for the Corporate Communications Division, the Corporate Communications Division develops and implements annual social activity plans. In addition, each business site enacts voluntary and ongoing efforts while coordinating with the Corporate Communications Division.
The Corporate Communications Division conducts a survey of the results of social contribution activities of each of the Company’s business sites as well as domestic and overseas subsidiaries and affiliates once a year to confirm activity details.
Furthermore, although social activities also include contributions, in accordance with our Policy on Bribery Prevention, the Group will never misuse charitable contributions or sponsorships as bribery or other corrupt practices.