The future rests on the shoulders of adolescents and children. With that in mind, the Mitsui Chemicals Group carries out various activities aimed at teaching the young that chemicals are all around us, and showing them how fun, interesting and mystifying chemistry can be, as well as getting them interested in science, and inspiring them to create the technologies of the future.
Social Activities
Nurturing Future Generations
Support for STEM Education
Cosponsoring of Robotics Competition
Mitsui Chemicals co-sponsors the Japanese championship of FIRST LEGO League (FLL)*, one of the world's largest robotics competitions. Mitsui Chemicals supports FLL’s idea of providing children with an opportunity to experience the excitement of solving social challenges while applying STEM concepts and active learning.
FLL is one of the world's largest robotics competitions sponsored by FIRST, a nonprofit organization in the United States, and the LEGO Group (the Japanese championship is sponsored by For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Currently, approximately 67,000 teams from 110 countries participate worldwide. Two to 10 children make a team to participate in the robotics competition and conduct scientific research and its presentation based on the theme of the competition. Top teams at the championship in each country will qualify for the world competition.

Mitsui Group 350th Anniversary Project: Mitsui Group × Youth Red Cross Collaboration Project
In 2023, the Mitsui Group marked the 350th anniversary since its founder, Takatoshi Mitsui, opened the Echigoya store in Nihombashi, Edo (now Tokyo) in 1673. To commemorate this milestone, the "Mitsui Group 350th Anniversary Project" will be implemented over five years from FY2023 to FY2027. With the key concept of "BETTER THE FUTURE FOR ALL.," the Group is engaging in various social contribution activities that address social challenges and contribute to the future, as a means of embodying its commitment to the solution of social issues while reconfirming the purpose of the Group.
As part of this initiative, the Mitsui Chemicals Group participated in an inquiry-based learning program aimed at providing children with education for a sustainable future. This program was conducted in collaboration with an international exchange project by the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Youth Red Cross, focusing on topics such as peace education and climate change.
Through our Group's BePlayer™/RePlayer™ activities, we introduced Youth Red Cross members from various countries to our plastic resource recycling efforts, encouraging them to think outside the box and highlighting the importance of communication to engage and grow their communities.
Holding lectures on corporate collaboration with SSH-designated schools
The Mitsui Chemicals Group holds lectures in collaboration with high schools that have been designated as Super Science High Schools (SSH). Mitsui Chemicals Crop & Life Solutions, a Mitsui Chemicals affiliate, gave a lecture at Chiba Prefectural Chousei High School with the topic “Let's Think about Agrochemicals.”
The lecture introduced agrochemicals safety and how to make agrochemicals, with the aim of alleviating vague concerns about agrochemicals and deepening understanding of agrochemicals. The lecture was followed by a Q&A session, during which many students actively asked questions, demonstrating their eagerness to understand the topic in depth. In fact, a survey of the students revealed that before the course, two-thirds of them had an image of agrochemicals being harmful, but after the lecture, many responded that their image of agrochemicals had changed to a positive one. The lecture also provided a good opportunity for the participating employees to take a fresh look at their own work and what they can do to create safe agrochemicals.

Cooperation in Experiential Study Programs for Teachers
Mitsui Chemicals accepts teachers as participants in Experiential Study Programs. Sponsored by the Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs, these training sessions date back to 1983. Geared towards teachers from elementary, junior high, and high schools, the aim is for them to experience corporate activities, and to convey these experiences to the children who hold the future in their hands. The Company has participated in this program every year since fiscal 2006.
During the program, the teachers have the opportunity to learn about the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s corporate mission, corporate sustainability management, Responsible Care initiatives, and human resources development. We also provide various programs, including a demonstration of the Laboratory Class on the Wonders of Chemistry, production site visits, and hands-on training at the Mitsui Chemicals Plant Operation Technology Training Center.
In FY2023, nine educators participated in a two-day training session held on August 18th and 21st.

Cooperation in Online Hands-on Job Experience Class for Junior High School Students
Mitsui Chemicals has participated in the Career Challenge Day On-Line-Meets* since fiscal 2021. As lecturers, Mitsui Chemicals employees gave presentations on topics, including the company overview, their reasons for joining the company, and their experience so far in the company, such as the difficulties and joys they experienced, in an online classroom connecting junior high schools across Japan. Through our initiatives and our employees’ presentations in this program, we believe that we were able to provide an opportunity for students to learn what it means to work and to think about the lifestyle they want to pursue in order to grow.
*Career Challenge Day On-Line-Meets:
A collaborative online career education program offered by companies and other institutions that support “SDGs × Career Education” for junior high school students in Japan who cannot experience on-site work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This program received the METI Minister Awards (first prize) in the Coordinator Category of the 11th Career Education Award hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Sponsorship of Niconico Chokaigi Science Experiments
Since 2022, Mitsui Chemicals has been a sponsor and participant in the "Cho-Arienai Science Experiment" at "Niconico Chokaigi"* event. In FY2023, at the "Niconico Chokaigi 2023" held on April 29th and 30th, with a total of 118,797 attendees and 126 different projects, the "Cho-Arienai Science Experiment," which included collaborative experiments with science YouTubers and hands-on exhibits through the Company's MOLp™ Open Laboratory activities, ranked fourth in popularity, successfully conveying the fun of science to a large number of people.
*Niconico Chokaigi:
A large-scale event held both online and in-person, organized by Dwango Co., Ltd., under the concept of "Japan's largest cultural festival created by everyone, originating from the Internet."
Organized the Chiba Prefecture Dream Challenge Experience School
In August 2023, Mitsui Chemicals held the "Dream Challenge Experience School" sponsored by the Chiba Prefectural Education Agency. This event aims to nurture children's dreams for their future careers, and to help them learn about the qualities and abilities necessary for their careers through various work experiences, scientific and technical experiences, and enables them to interact with researchers and professionals. Since 2014, our Mobara Branch Factory has also been cooperating with the project. Fifteen fourth- and fifth-grade students from within the prefecture participated in the event, which included an introduction to Mitsui Chemicals, a tour of the facilities at the Plant Operation Technology Training Center, and an experiment class led by the Wonders of Chemistry.