In fiscal 2021, we rolled out a Global Policy on executive personnel governance for the Mitsui Chemicals Group. This Policy defines (1) the appointment and dismissal of directors and corporate auditors, (2) the criteria for compensation levels and composition, and (3) the process for determining the compensation for over 120 domestic and international consolidated companies. Based on this Group-wide policy, the Mitsui Chemicals Group will implement integrated executive compensation management throughout the Group, ensuring transparency in the appointment and dismissal process and the determination of appropriate compensation linked to the Group's overall performance.
Human Resources Management
Employee Engagement
Engagement Survey Initiatives
Our Results and Trends
We believe that improving the engagement of each and every employee is necessary for achieving VISION 2030, and have conducted a global employee engagement survey of all Mitsui Chemicals Group employees since 2018. We have now set the engagement score as one of the Group's non-financial targets, and by disclosing it both internally and externally, we are engaging in continuous monitoring and improvement actions. Starting in FY2023, to further enhance our efforts and promote more timely initiatives towards our goals, we have increased the frequency of monitoring by conducting the survey annually, compared to the previous cycle of approximately once every three years.
In the FY2023 engagement survey, we received responses from 89% of Group employees, with the score improving by 2% to 36% compared to the previous survey. Although there was no significant change in areas of strength or challenges compared to the previous results, some indicators, such as "Learning and Self-Development," showed an 8% improvement, suggesting that actions taken in response to the results had a positive impact.
*Engagement score:
Shows the percentage of employees who indicate a high degree of agreement (4: somewhat agree, 5: agree, 6: strongly agree) with an average of 4.5 or more on the six engagement-related questions. The company is promoting these initiatives not only to improve scores, but also to increase the number of employees with a strong sense of engagement.
Engagement Score trends and target
Engagement Factor Score (Areas of Strength and Challenge Areas)
Challenge areas | Areas of strength | |
FY2023 | Total compensation and recognition 23% | Compliance with laws and company rules 67% |
Teamwork 22% | Safety 54% | |
HR utilization and assignment 21% | Brand as an employer 42% | |
FY2021 | Total compensation and recognition 25% | Compliance with laws and company rules 61% |
Career opportunities 22% | Safety 51% | |
HR utilization and assignment 19% | Delegation of authority / Autonomy 42% |
Post-Survey Actions within Each Organization
We do not simply conduct the survey; we also compile approaches to be taken to address issues identified through them as “post-survey actions” and implement initiatives at division-level organizations of respective affiliates and Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., as well as at Group level. Leaders of each organization are taking initiatives to improve our engagement score not only by addressing issues faced by each organization in a timely manner but also by keeping eye on fundamental problems like why the organization is facing such issues.
Representative examples of post-survey actions include:
- communication at workplaces (exchange events, study sessions, etc.);
- utilization of the award system; and
- one-on-one dialogues on career development and daily work.
At respective workplaces, we explore and implement various actions, ranging from those for increasing a sense of unity among employees to those for motivating employees to carry out their work more actively by clarifying their visions.
These post-survey actions are formulated and implemented as Group-wide initiatives by a total of 182 organizations, including division-level organizations of Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. and its affiliates. With a 100% completion rate for both planning and execution, their specific measures are shared through the internal portal site and available for reference by other organizations.
Domestic Group Company: SUN MEDICAL’s Strengthening Communication
SUN MEDICAL Co., Ltd., which specializes in the manufacturing, sales, import, and export of dental materials and other medical devices, places great emphasis on improving communication between the president and employees, supervisors and subordinates, and across departments. In FY2022, the company held 1) Eight one-on-one meetings and social gatherings between the president and employees and 2) Eight meetings between department heads and their teams. In FY2023, the company divided the entire workforce into four groups and hosted lunch gatherings. These initiatives provided opportunities for top management to demonstrate their genuine interest in each employee, fostering a sense of engagement across the organization. Moving forward, alongside efforts to strengthen the company’s foundation—such as enhancing quality assurance and regulatory systems, updating HR policies, and renewing core systems—SUN MEDICAL aims to connect individual employee contributions to the resolution of social issues and business growth. Ultimately, the goal is to help employees experience a greater sense of accomplishment in their work.

Overseas Group Company: PAC’s One-Team Initiative
PAC (Mitsui Prime Advanced Composites do Brasil Indústria e Comércio de Compostos Plásticos S.A.), a Brazilian subsidiary specializing in the manufacturing and sales of polypropylene compounds, set a goal to improve its “Self-Development and Career” scores based on its previous survey results through discussions with leaders in each department. In collaboration with the leaders, the company focused on enhancing existing internal and external training programs, clarifying job descriptions, introducing performance feedback mechanisms, and establishing an internal job rotation system. PAC also introduced a “Knowledge and Skills Week,” where employees take turns acting as both teachers and students, aiming to promote talent development and strengthen teamwork within the organization. In line with VISION 2030, PAC held discussions with the Mitsui Chemicals PP Composites Division to align site strategies with group-wide objectives. This alignment clarified key challenges and action plans, encouraging employees to propose forward-thinking improvements to achieve these goals.

Photo from the Leaders Meeting

HR Division
(From left: Tatiana, Cristiane, Graziela)
Mitsui Chemicals: MCI Engagement Radio
As part of the Mitsui Chemicals Group's efforts to improve employee engagement, we broadcast "MCI Engagement Radio," where leaders from divisions particularly dedicated to enhancing engagement shared their initiatives and thoughts. Over the course of four sessions, leaders from business, research, plant, and corporate divisions discussed, in a dialogue format, the hurdles and concerns they face in their challenges to improve engagement. They also shared information that could serve as a reference for post-survey actions in other divisions, as well as insights from heads of each division.
Compensation & Benefit
We believe that treating employees based on proper evaluation is an important system that motivates employees, helping to acquire, develop, and retain talents, and significantly impacting the development of the Mitsui Chemicals Group.
Basic Approach to Performance Evaluation and Compensation
At Mitsui Chemicals, performance is evaluated based on the achievement of predetermined job targets and actions, and the results are reflected in the compensation.
We systematically ensure that in setting job goals, individual employees can recognize that achieving their goals will help achieve company-wide goals by rolling out business plans aligned with the Corporate Vision at each workplace, incorporating them into workplace policies, and ensuring that important challenges are reflected in job goals for individual employees. At all employee levels, the Company has systemized annual interviews and meetings to set goals with supervisors.
Regarding performance evaluations, feedback interviews on the assessment results are also conducted once a year. During these interviews, supervisors share the results of job goal achievement evaluations and behavioral evaluations, as well as reasons for evaluations, and strengths and areas for improvement based on each individual's characteristics, in order to provide appropriate support for the employee's development. For behavior evaluation, we have introduced the Global Core Competency Assessment, in which supervisors evaluate the behavior of their subordinates and provide feedback after the employees themselves review their own behavior based on specific facts to see if they are taking the actions stipulated in the Action Guidelines and core values. Through these efforts, we aim to instill and establish our Action Guidelines and core values.
Mitsui Chemicals has been using its Talent Management System (Workday) to manage activities from setting goals to performance evaluation, which has been introduced at the Group and global levels. In utilizing this system, we aim to create an environment for effective dialogue opportunities by continuously updating goals and progress, enabling both supervisors and subordinates to timely refer to past information.
Moreover, the Mitsui Chemicals Labor Union conducts a survey on the rate of these feedback meetings among its members and the degree of satisfaction with the feedback. The results of the survey are shared by labor and management, and we are striving to manage the evaluation system appropriately.
Revising the Personnel System in Line with VISION 2030
To realize VISON 2030, we revised our human resource system in April 2022 to improve employee engagement and further encourage growth and proactive challenges. When making the revisions, we used the results of the engagement survey to revise the individual performance management system, including goal setting and evaluation, and to improve the transparency and specificity of evaluations.
Specifically, when setting goals, we stipulated that directors and corporate auditors and general managers should take the initiative in setting transformation goals that were back-cast from VISION 2030 and disclose them to their subordinates for the purpose of collaboration. In order to encourage employees to persevere in pursuit of higher goals without fear of failure, points were awarded for achievements. The transformation goals will be introduced in stages, starting with those in higher positions, with plans to expand them to section managers and lower positions in the future.
In addition, the bonus allocation, which used to be uniform for each evaluation category, has been changed to a system that allows detailed adjustments according to each employee's performance, directly rewarding the contributions of each individual. The bonus calculation method is based on the amount of consolidated operating income before special items in addition to individual performance. However, in order to further motivate employees to achieve the performance goals of VISION 2030, we are revising the system to provide additional payments for high operating income.
We also reviewed the global competencies that have been used as the basis for behavioral assessment. It reflects the “promoting challenges,” “strengthening of execution,” “strengthening of commitment,” and “promoting internal and external collaboration,” which have been discussed as necessary elements for the realization of VISION 2030. In addition, one of the existing core items for the behavioral evaluation of understanding diversity has been updated to incorporate the perspectives of equity and inclusion. As we aim to create innovation and realize VISION 2030, our goal is not only to understand diversity, but also to provide opportunities for people to speak and act fairly, and to encourage people to make use of others with rich individuality, which will lead to new ideas and results. In addition, specific behaviors and levels required for each job grade are newly defined as “Leadership Competencies” and evaluated to promote actions for the realization of VISION 2030.
Complying with the Legal Wage and Establishing Compensation Levels that are Both Attractive and Competitive
As its businesses become more globalized, the Mitsui Chemicals Group ensures compliance with the laws of each country and region where it does business in with regard to employee compensation. This includes paying the legally required minimum wages and granting compensatory time off or extra wages for work hours that exceed the prescribed or legal working hours. We then ensure attractive and competitive compensation levels and schemes for the labor market of each country and region. Our basic approach is to set compensation levels in accordance with the positioning of the Company's performance in the market where it competes for human resources. We review and update our compensation levels regularly based on a variety of wage statistics provided by government agencies, compensation databases of external survey institutions, etc.
Based on the above approach, in FY2022 we reviewed the compensation levels of Mitsui Chemicals' non-management employees and increased their base salary in April and July. In addition, in fiscal 2023 the compensation system for directors was revised in June, and base increases for non-management and managerial employees were instituted in July. We will continue to secure competitive compensation levels by implementing similar base salary increases in FY2024.
In running these systems, we operate a fair and equitable system that reflects performance results by eliminating age and seniority factors to the extent possible, and disclose the salary, bonus, evaluation, and pay raise systems to employees in our company rules and handbooks.
One of the key topics for the Human Rights Working Group to consider is living wages (i.e., whether employees are paid enough to maintain an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families), which is important in realizing decent work (work that is fulfilling and satisfying to human beings).
Award for Medium to Long-Term Efforts
While efforts to achieve annual targets are rewarded based on performance evaluations, we also offer awards for medium to long-term efforts through our “Company Awards System.” This system is designed to motivate employees toward achieving business targets and transforming our corporate culture. It mainly recognizes strategic plans developed toward achieving our medium and long-term business plans, and comparable activities over a three-year period. Additionally, when reviewing these efforts, our assessment indices include not only the outcomes but also contributions to sustainability elements, such as reducing GHG emissions.
Clarification of evaluation and compensation in the group and globally
When acquiring, developing, and retaining excellent human resources across the Group beyond national borders, the Mitsui Chemicals Group has developed the “Group Global Evaluation Guidelines” and “Global Policy on Position Management” to promote the broad and fair application of evaluation indicators standardized within the Group, visualization of positions, and clarification of the compensation process.
Global Evaluation Guidelines
In 2016, we formulated and distributed the Global Evaluation Guidelines, which outline the evaluation schemes, approaches, design, etc., across the group companies. These guidelines consist of two concepts: (1) management by objectives (MBO) and (2) global core competencies. These guidelines enable the HR sections of four regional headquarters (the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and China) to support the development, revision, and operation of evaluation systems for companies in their respective regions.
Specifically, global core competences are used as a shared index within the Mitsui Chemicals Group’s HR management, and they are used as the basis for the 360-Degree feedback and assessments provided in the leadership development program.
Global Position Management
Since 2004, the Company has developed job descriptions for management employees and introduced a job evaluation system in which employees are treated according to the size of the duties of each position. However, as we expand globally, it is necessary to appropriately design an organizational structure and each role for the entire group that are consistent with our long-term business plan. For this reason, "the Global Policy on Position Management" was rolled out to the Group in fiscal 2020. At present, there are approximately 20,000 job positions in the Group, of which roughly 40% are overseas-based positions. The policy clarifies the basic philosophy, structure, decision-making authority, and processes to create and abolish these positions within the group. Along with this development, we have introduced global job grades. We are currently working to ensure visibility and transparency for job positions within the Group based on standardized job evaluation criteria.
Policy on Executive Appointments, Dismissal and Compensation at Subsidiaries and Affiliates
Establishing a Productive Workplace Environment
In addition to pursuing sustainable growth for the Mitsui Chemicals Group and promoting the happiness and fulfillment of employees, we are working to develop better, more motivating working environments that will maximize achievements.
Work Style Reform
Mitsui Chemicals has been steadfastly implementing Work Style Reform Phase I, which mainly focuses on improving the efficiency of input (labor input), such as reducing overtime hours and promoting work structures to achieve more efficient work styles.
On the other hand, in the era of the so-called VUCA*1, where the world is changing rapidly and the future is difficult to predict, individual employee autonomy and organizational collaboration are needed more than ever.
Therefore, in recent years, we have been focusing our efforts on “Work Style Reform Phase II,” which is directed toward having diverse work styles, improving employee engagement, and maximizing performance values.
An acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Indicates a state of uncertainty and difficulty in predicting the future.
Mitsui Chemicals introduced a teleworking program in April 2019. However, the number of days allowed was limited, with very few employees using the program. However, in response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, we temporarily eliminated the maximum limit for the number of teleworking days as an emergency measure to prevent infection and ensure safety, which in turn resulted in a rapid increase in the number of employees utilizing this program. This has resulted in the expansion of IT tools and the accumulation of IT literacy, etc., expanding the range of work that can be performed during telework. Telework has spread not only in terms of health and safety, such as infection prevention, but also in terms of new working styles that make it easier to work and maximize results. Based on such findings, we revised the teleworking rules as of July 1, 2021, dramatically expanding the number of days allowed for teleworking, provided that employees come to the office at least four days a month. This revision has greatly increased the flexibility of combining telework with attendance, and we encourage employees and the organization to think more independently about their own work styles in order to maximize results.
In December 2021, we conducted a survey of employees regarding work styles such as telework, and found that telework users are using the telework system to their advantage in both their daily lives and work, such as increased non-work time and the ability to hold meetings without worrying about location, and that team management is functioning well even under telework. On the other hand, it was also confirmed that there are still issues to be addressed in terms of current digital tools, office environment, and human resource development.
In March 2023, the Head Office will be relocated to Tokyo Midtown Yaesu (Chuo-ku, Tokyo) and equipped with high-speed communication facilities to support DX promotion measures and other office environment. The use of an office environment that promotes good communication inside and outside the company and supports new challenges for VISION 2030 will allow even greater freedom and respect for diverse work styles when combined with telework, supporting the growth of employees and the company in the next stage of its development from the office environment as well.
Establishing Guidelines for Working Side Jobs
Mitsui Chemicals established the guidelines for side jobs in January 2021, and has established a system that allows management employees to work side jobs, provided that they notify and obtain permission from the company. Subsequently, in January 2022, we applied the same guidelines to general employees on a trial basis, and after verifying operational issues, we established the "Detailed Rules for Side Jobs" in January 2024, formally introducing a side-job system. As of March 2024, more than 90 employees are working side jobs while working full-time at Mitsui Chemicals. These employees work in jobs in which they can use their respective expertise in consulting and technical guidance (experience, knowledge and qualifications) to teach at educational institutions and work as translators. They have expanded their horizons by gaining experience outside the Company and are actively utilizing the experience and knowledge gained through such occupations in their duties with the Company.
Effects anticipated from side jobs
Experience outside the Company
Broader view and knowledge
Contribution to duties with the Company
Relaxation of dress code
In August 2020, we revised the guidelines on the employee dress code for the Head Office and branch offices to clarify the dress code for work, regardless of where employees are working from (both for onsite work and remote work), and to scrap and replace gender-based bans with rules common to all genders to promote diversity. The revision allows employees to make their own decisions on the appropriate apparel, provided that they remain aware of the need for safety, workability, and cleanliness and that their dress is always appropriate to the occasion and corresponds with social practices, especially when meeting clients and external business partners. With this outline, we aim to further foster a culture that allows for change and encourages employees to think and act on their own initiative while increasing the number of options available to them.
Open calls for internal positions
In 2004, Mitsui Chemicals launched open calls for internal positions for the company to provide options that help employees proactively plan their career and make choices. Currently, this program mainly targets positions for new businesses and those associated with business expansion in growth domains, and we recruit talent four times a year according to the needs of each department. In fiscal 2023, we received 37 applications for a total of 92 open positions. In addition, when recruiting, the divisions with the open positions hold briefings to accurately inform applicants of the responsibilities, requirements, and experience they can expect to gain, thereby improving the matching accuracy. In fiscal 2023, this program helped reassign 13 employees to positions that match their career aspirations.
Efforts to Reduce Overtime and Improve the Acquisition of Paid Leave
Mitsui Chemicals has been promoting activities aimed at reducing to zero the number of employees whose overtime and holiday work hours total 80 hours or more each month. As part of this effort, when an employee exceeds this threshold, their supervisor is interviewed to identify the causes and develop countermeasures, which are then shared company-wide to prevent recurrence. Additionally, skill training for reducing overtime is conducted annually. For non-management employees, we provide time management training, where they learn specific approaches for reviewing and changing work habits, scheduling, and handling emails. For management employees, we provide organizational operation workshop training, where they learn specific approaches to efficiently run their organizations and how to plan for the reduction of overtime work.
In general, chemical plants operate continuously for long periods of time, but when it is necessary to carry out periodic maintenance, the entire plant is shut down for a specific limited period to allow repairs and inspections to both minimize the effect on production and ensure that the equipment is safe. To avoid concentration of work during these specific periods, we are reviewing tasks and strengthening personnel, including the involvement of alumni and contract workers.
Visualizing Overtime and Hours Worked on Designated Holidays
To visualize overtime and hours worked on designated holidays, the managers share the monthly records of overtime and hours worked on designated holidays for each division and each employee. Each manager is working to establish a comfortable working environment by comparing the overtime and hours worked on designated holidays of other divisions and their own division, and by confirming that work is not concentrated on specific individuals. When an employee is found to have worked more than 80 hours of overtime each month, the Human Resources Division conducts an interview with the manager, and reviews and implements specific measures to identify the cause of the overtime and make improvements for the individual employee.
Improving the Acquisition of Paid Leave
Mitsui Chemicals is striving to raise the rate of annual paid leave taken. We are taking the following actions to improve the acquisition of paid leave, to support the physical and mental health of employees. Over the past three years, the utilization rate has increased by nine percentage points, with the company-wide average reaching approximately 80%.
- Recommendations for the planned acquisition of extended leave and continuous leave
- Designating days between holidays for paid leave support and encouraging employees to take leave
- Tabulation of paid leave acquisition rates by worksite and report and guidance based on the findings
- Review of the concentration of workloads on specific employees
- Schedule sharing within the worksite
Initiatives to Promote Flexible and Diverse Work Styles
Work-Life Balance Measures
Mitsui Chemicals has put in place various systems that exceed statutory requirements in response to employees’ circumstances outside of work, including child and family care.
We have introduced systems to support greater flexibility in work styles, including teleworking and the flextime system, and modified our leave system to enable employees to make use of expired annual (special) leave not only for hospitalization but also for medical treatment to support employees’ work-life balance. Please refer here for the benefit programs and measures.
Principal Employee Benefit Programs and Measures (Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.)
Annual paid leave | 20 days per year, available in half-day increments. (Up to 20 days in the first year depending on the hire date) |
Refreshment leave | Two consecutive days paid leave per year. |
Special leave | Paid leave taken from any unused annual paid leave (up to 60 days), granted when the employee is unable to work for more than three days due to an illness or injury, family care, childcare or social contribution activities. It may be granted in units of 0.5 days for disease treatment or infertility treatment. |
Flextime system | No core working hours. Hours worked are counted not in terms of days but over the whole month. |
Teleworking | Regardless of reasons such as childcare or nursing care, allowed employee to choose to working-from-home arrangements on the condition that attend the workplace for at least four days per month. |
Ban on side jobs lifted | To enable employees to take side jobs with the approval of the Company, rules on side jobs and how such work is approved have been reviewed. After a trial period, the system was formalized in January 2024. |
Community service leave | Two days paid leave per year. |
Leave of absence to accompany spouse’s overseas assignment | Leave of absence for up to three years. |
Childcare leave | Leave of absence for up to four years, paid for the first five days*1. Male employees are encouraged to take childcare leave. |
Part-time working option (childcare leave) | Up to three hours per day to care for a child in sixth grade or younger. |
Company childcare center | Established in 2009 near the Ichihara Works & VISION HUB™ SODEGAURA. |
Family medical leave | Up to 20 days paid leave per year for medical care, etc., of a family member*2. |
Family care leave | Up to one year for each family member*2 who requires nursing care or support. |
Paid family care leave | Up to 20 days paid leave per year for nursing care of a family member*2 who requires nursing care or support. |
Part-time working option (family care leave) | Up to three hours per day for nursing care of a family member*2. Up to one year for the same reason. |
*1 For the period of absence from work thereafter, approximately 60%–70% of wages will be paid by Mitsui Chemicals Health Insurance Society and unemployment insurance until the child reaches the age of two (maximum of approximately 104 weeks)
*2 Spouse, parents, children, grandparents, spouse’s parents/grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, spouse’s siblings
Please refer here for details of the usage status of other systems.
Program That Supports Employees Returning to Work after Taking Childcare Leave
Mitsui Chemicals has introduced a program that supports employees returning to work. The principal goal is to create an environment that allows employees bringing up young children to return to work smoothly after giving birth to their child or taking childcare leave and to help maintain a high degree of motivation. The program clarifies the types and details of support for each period from the time before maternity leave through childcare leave to the return to work. Prior to taking leave, the employee and their manager engage in a one-on-one interview to discuss the handover of duties, contact while they are on leave, necessary procedures, and other important issues. Even before returning to work, meetings between employees and their managers are also conducted to share details of work styles that will ensure the work environment will accept the employee and details of their job description when they return to work, and to ensure mutual understanding. After returning to work, the Company provides an explanation of the procedures and support available from its various programs for employees. In this manner, every effort is being made to relieve employees’ anxieties with respect to taking maternity and childcare leave as well as returning to work. This in turn helps to alleviate the need to resign from the Company and allows employees to continue their careers.
Childcare Leave Usage Rate (Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. registered employees)
Greater Participation by Men in Childcare
We promote male participation in childcare and encourage male employees to take the first five days of childcare leave with pay. For male employees on childcare leave, the pregnancy of the employee's spouse first needs to be reported to the Human Resources Division. The Human Resources Division then requests a meeting with the male employee's supervisor, who confirms the employee's intention to take childcare leave and explains the system to the employee. During this process, we ensure that we do not make the confirmation in such a way that discourages the male employees from taking the childcare leave, which is prohibited by law. For male employees who are unsure about whether or not to take childcare leave or how long they can take it, a representative from the Human Resources Division meets with them to discuss how to take childcare leave, including when to take it and the number of times it can be taken, as well as to coordinate with their supervisors to encourage them to take childcare leave.
Additionally, we have created guidebooks and manuals that detail the internal systems related to childcare and how to effectively utilize them. These materials clearly explain the process from when a pregnancy is confirmed to when childcare leave is taken, and also include information on concerns such as income during leave. Furthermore, the site includes messages from management and interviews with male employees and their supervisors who are raising children, encouraging men to be actively involved in childcare as well.
In the 2023 fiscal year, we conducted male childcare leave training for all line managers. Prior to the training, only 38% of participants understood the concept of male childcare leave, but this improved to 86% after the training, indicating progress in mindset transformation. Additionally, we've organized parenting classes for male employees, while female employees can attend with their partners, to help everyone understand the importance of men taking childcare leave. In the 2024 fiscal year, we have set a goal of achieving a 100% male childcare leave rate for eligible employees and plan to accelerate initiatives to further increase the leave acquisition rate.
Balancing Nursing Care and Work
The Mitsui Chemicals supports our employees who work while providing nursing care. In order to prevent employees who are nursing caregivers from leaving their jobs, we hold an online seminar every year on the theme of balancing nursing care and work with the aim of promoting the concept of managing nursing care using public and in-house systems. However, participants in seminars tend to be limited because it is difficult for them to become aware of when they may become involved in the caregiving process.
Therefore, since fiscal 2021, as an outreach measure, we have been posting useful information for caregivers on our internal portal bulletin board on a quarterly basis. Links to internal and external information are attached to the postings to provide easy access to the detailed information needed. Back numbers are also posted together on the portal, which helps to quickly convey the necessary information to employees who have to start providing nursing care at short notice. The topics we have dealt with include the difference between paid family care leave and family care leave, nursing care insurance certification system, dementia care, communication between parents and children, and cooperation with professionals. Reliable external YouTube videos related to the theme are presented to help them deepen their knowledge of what it takes to care for their loved ones. As concerns about caregiving continue to grow, especially issues that HR alone cannot resolve, we plan to establish an external caregiving consultation service in FY2024 to better support employees dealing with increasingly complex caregiving and work situations.
Evaluations for Employees on Childcare and Caregiving Leave
At Mitsui Chemicals, we ensure that employees on childcare or caregiving leave are not disadvantaged during assessment in terms of salary, bonuses, retirement pay, or promotions. Employees who meet a certain level of attendance during the year are evaluated for the entire year based on their performance and conduct during the periods they worked. If an employee's attendance rate falls below the required threshold, we apply a "No Rating" system to ensure they are not penalized in terms of salary decisions or promotions.
Labor-management Relations Based on Frank Dialog and Communication
In the collective labor agreement, we have established "achieving the Corporate Mission" and "the happiness and self-fulfillment of employees" as goals to be shared by both labor and management and are working on developing labor-management relations that are both constructive and stable. Efforts are also being made to engage in ongoing frank discussions between labor and management on such themes as improving productivity as well as the work-life balance of employees. In this manner, we are working to lay the necessary foundation so that employees can work in a more enjoyable and meaningful manner. Moreover, we have adopted a rule that employees must generally be notified at least one month prior to transfers that entail moving and relocation.
Labor Union
Mitsui Chemicals has adopted a union shop system; all employees that are eligible to join a labor union under the labor-management agreement agreed upon by labor and management join the labor union. The Mitsui Chemicals Labor Union represents all non-management staff, and the negotiation outcomes between labor and management are applied to all non-management staff without any conditions. According to the labor-management agreement, management staff and other employees at or above the management level are not eligible to join the union.
Overseas sites are operated in a way that allows labor unions to be formed under the labor-related laws of each country and under the freewill of the employees. We do not take any actions whatsoever to limit such moves.
In addition, we define important matters in the collective labor agreement (such as ensuring proper working conditions, human resources development, safety, environment, occupational health, health promotion, improvement of quality control, and disciplinary actions, including for discrimination and harassment) and make sure to obtain the agreement of both the employers and employees.
Regular Labor-Management Communication
- Roundtable meetings on management
- Roundtable meetings for each individual theme
- Business site labor-management roundtable meeting
- Labor-management conference
- Labor-management negotiation
- Business site labor-management conference
- Business site labor-management negotiation
- Joint labor-management meetings for surveys, research, etc.
Main Labor-Management Negotiation Topics (FY2023)
- Explanation of the management overview
- Pay rises
- Bonus amounts
- Revision of the re-employment system
- Overtime, holiday work hours, and annual paid leave usage
- Introduction of the side-job system
- Overseas system revisions
- Labor conditions related to M&A
- LGBTQ benefit program