The Mitsui Chemicals Group’s Responsible Care Policy states “We will assess the risks to people and the environment from our products throughout their life cycle, while working to ensure the health and safety of all persons and to reduce the environmental impact of those products.” We have stipulated Mitsui Chemicals Group's Principles for Chemicals Management and have rolled out necessary operational processes as a Global Policy to unify our basic Group-wide approach.
As a member of the supply chain, the chemical industry is responsible for protecting people's health and the environment throughout the product life cycle, from product development to disposal. The Group promotes product stewardship (responsible product management) by engaging in voluntary risk management based on risk assessment, in addition to compliance with the regulatory requirements in each country.
Cooperation with business partners is indispensable to minimize the risks to people and the environment throughout our product life cycle. The Mitsui Chemicals Group continues to collect chemical information from suppliers, assess the risks concerning our products, and maintains mutual communications with customers on any hazards in our products and how to handle them safely.