Category | Emissions
(Thousands of tons CO2eq/year) | Method of calculating emissions and reasons for excluding from the scope of calculation
1. Purchased goods and services | 5,525 | Emissions coefficient
National Institute for Environmental Studies, "Embodied Energy and Emission Intensity Data for Japan Using Input-Output Tables (3EID)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated from the purchase price.
2. Capital goods | 136 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated from the capital goods purchase price.
3. Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scopes 1 or scope 2) | 272 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Fuel, electricity, and steam purchases. Includes companies that are located on our Company plant premises and have signed a memorandum of understanding with us to integrate energy management.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution | 65 | Emissions coefficient and calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual (Ver. 4.9, April 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Transport weight and distance by means of transport.
5. Waste generated in operations | 43 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation methods, etc.
Treatment amount by type of waste treated outside the Company.
6. Business travel | 7 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated from the amount of transportation allowance and accommodation expenses by mode of transportation in Japan and overseas. Because the allowance by domestic means of transportation is not classified in detail, a sampling survey was used to determine the percentage of airplanes, trains, buses, taxi, etc.
7. Employee commuting | 4 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Allowance per transportation classification.
8. Upstream leased assets | 1 | Emissions coefficient and calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual (Ver. 4.9, April 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated based on electricity and air conditioning usage by tenants in the main and branch offices.
9. Downstream transportation and distribution | Outside scope of calculation | Transports from the Company to the customer (BtoB) are included in Category 4. In addition, because we are in the materials industry, we have a high ratio of intermediate products and are unable to grasp the distribution to the consumer. Therefore, given that it is impossible to reasonably calculate the transportation volume, these are excluded from the scope of calculation. |
10. Processing sold products | Outside scope of calculation | As we are in the materials industry, we have a large proportion of intermediate products, and even customers have numerous potential applications. It is difficult to collect data from customers on the processing performed by those value chain companies and their emissions intensity. In addition, it is excluded from the calculation because it is impossible to accurately calculate the data using secondary data at this time. |
11. Use of sold products | 2,985 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual (Ver. 4.9, April 2023)," etc.
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated from the CO2 sales volume of fuel, electricity, heat, and dry ice. For our products sold as domestic automobile components and materials, CO2 emissions during automobile use are allocated by weight of parts and materials for calculation.
12. End-of-life treatment of sold products | 2,034 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Emissions Intensity Database for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 3.3 (March 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
Calculated from the sales volume of the Company's polymer products and products that customers make into polymer products.
13. Downstream leased assets | Outside scope of calculation | The Company does not have such assets, so they are excluded from the calculation. |
14. Franchises | Outside scope of calculation | The Company does not have franchises, so they are excluded from the calculation. |
15. Investments | 619 | Emissions coefficient
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation and Reporting Manual (Ver. 4.9, April 2023)"
Calculation method
Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Basic Guidelines for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Supply Chains Ver 2.5 (March 2023)"
Assumptions, allocation method, etc.
CO2 emissions of the Group's affiliates are accumulated in accordance with their shares.
Total | 11,691 | |