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Things that Matter

Material Topics and VISION 2030

Corporate Mission

To contribute broadly to society by providing high-quality products and services to customers through innovation and the creation of materials, while being in harmony with the global environment.

With this mission in mind, Mitsui Chemicals Group operates in ways that aim to positively impact those around us. We aim to engage in business activities that help solve social challenges and sustainably grow and develop with society by deepening the triple bottom line management approach, which is founded on the three axes of economy, environment, and society, and managing the Group companies from a long-term perspective.


In FY2021, we formulated VISION 2030, a long-term business plan until 2030. To formulate VISION 2030, we returned to the Group’s purpose, which is to solve social challenges. We defined three visions of the ideal future society that we will contribute to create, as the direction for the Group to take in order to address the numerous environmental and social issues that may arise.

Risk & compliance

(1)    Risk management


Risks are becoming more complex as uncertainty in the business environment increases, such as worsening climate change, geopolitical conflicts and tensions, and global epidemics of infectious diseases. Under these circumstances, the Mitsui Chemicals Group believes that it is essential to comprehensively and integrally manage "risks," which are uncertainties and changes that could affect our management and business strategies, from a medium- to long-term and continuous perspective, while covering both threats and opportunities.


Therefore, we are working to establish a new company-wide risk management system to minimize threats posed by risks and maximize opportunities.


(2)    Compliance management


In order to continue our corporate activities and fulfill our social responsibilities while earning the trust of our shareholders, customers, local communities, and all other stakeholders, it is essential for all officers and employees of the Mitsui Chemicals Group to always act in good faith with an attitude of voluntary and autonomous compliance with laws, regulations, and rules under a unified compliance promotion system.


In February 2006, the Mitsui Chemicals Group formulated its Action Guidelines, which provide the basis for the actions of all its personnel, and introduced two maxims: "always act in good faith" and "have a high regard for people and society." By acting in accordance with these action guidelines and group compliance management rules (Company Rules), we will retain the trust of our stakeholders and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.


(3)    Taxation & regulations


The tax regulations of countries and regions across the globe affect the business activities carried out by the Mitsui Chemicals Group in various ways, and complying with such regulations is one of the important responsibilities companies must fulfill. To adequately fulfill this responsibility, our Group will formulate a tax policy.


(4)    Information management


In our business activities, Mitsui Chemicals Group complies with laws and regulations, including company information management rules on company and customer information. Furthermore, we emphasize to our employees the importance of and responsibilities involved with information management so that information-related operations are carried out properly. In particular, organizational reinforcement of information security is recognized as an important issue in protecting our information assets against all threats, in order to avoid any loss of trust or disruption to our business operations that would result from information leaks or data falsification.


In addition, we established a Global Policy on corporate information management (information security), information system security, and personal information protection, and have extended this policy to our subsidiaries and affiliates.


With respect to protecting personal information, we respect the privacy of individuals and recognize that it is an important social responsibility to handle and protect personal information appropriately. Accordingly, we have established the "Declaration on Personal Information and a Specific Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy)" and the "Personal Information Protection Management Rules" to protect personal information and specific personal information.

Responsible Care

Responsible Care is an activity that the world’s chemical industry is integrally promoting to improve the quality of life (QOL) by chemical products and to contribute to the sustainable development of society. Companies voluntarily implement activities designed to ensure safety, health, and product quality as well as protect the environment throughout the entire life cycles of their chemical products, publicize the results of their activities, and engage in dialog with the local communities where they operate. As Responsible Care activities span entire life cycles, it is believed that the philosophy behind these activities is applicable not only to the chemical industry that manufactures the chemical products but also universally by all industries that use them.


Mitsui Chemicals Group formulated the Responsible Care Policy as the Group’s approach to ensuring safety, based on the philosophy of the Responsible Care® Global Charter drawn up by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). In addition, the Group has established guidelines to disseminate this policy, which states the Group's principles and rules for safety, the environment, and product quality, throughout the entire Group. We have established individual rules and regulations in accordance with this policy for activities related to Responsible Care, such as safety and preventionenvironmental protectionproduct stewardshipquality of products and serviceslogistics, and occupational health.

Through these Responsible Care activities, we are committed to addressing the expectations and earning the trust of society as well as the local community while also contributing to the sustainable development of the public at large and the chemical industry.

Our employees & society

(1)    Respect for human rights


We respect human rights in our business activities as it is the foundation of our development, and we understand that we need to respect the human rights of every individual affected by our business activities in order to contribute broadly to society and achieve sustainable growth. As such, we revised our Human Rights Policy on 24 June 2022 and will continue to review the policy.


(2)    Sustainable procurement


In order to fulfil our environmental and social responsibilities throughout the supply chain from a global perspective in sustainable procurement, it is essential to collaborate not only with the Mitsui Chemicals Group but also with our business partners.


In addition to conducting fair and honest transactions, we established the Mitsui Chemicals Group Purchasing Policy, which incorporates items that we consider important when selecting suppliers, in order to build strong partnerships and implement purchasing activities. This policy is one of our basic rules for purchasing as part of our Global Policy. 


(3)    Human Resource Management


Valuing individual employees is important so that the company and employees each inspire the other on an equal relationship to create a better future together. Aiming to realize this, we set simultaneous goals of "Sustainable growth of the Mitsui Chemicals Group" and "Promoting the happiness and fulfillment of employees" as stated in our Corporate Mission. We plan to build an organization that always keeps learning and pushing its boundaries, driven by making the most of individual employees’ potential abilities. This is how we will create a sustainable competitive edge.


We set out our Human Resources Management Policy to demonstrate its approach to both employees and stakeholders. 


(4)    Social activities


We believe that we can effectively help to resolve social challenges by harnessing its strengths and unique characteristics as a Group.


With that in mind, we utilize our chemical technologies and products and roll out a host of social contribution activities that include efforts to develop the future generation and provide disaster relief. At the same time, we undertake various endeavors to encourage our employees to participate in social contribution activities of their own accord. In addition, and with the aim of ensuring that our sites are always open to the local community, we place the utmost importance on communication with members of the local community while working in harmony with all those around us.