Safety is the foundation of society’s trust, and at the same time, ensuring safety increases our manufacturing quality, leading to improvement of corporate value from the financial viewpoint. With this approach, the Mitsui Chemicals Group established a management policy that states “Safety is our top priority.” Its Responsible Care Policy, which is upheld in the “Philosophy and Policy Relating to Ensuring Safety” of the Group, declares the following: “We pledge that safety is our top priority and we will focus on achieving zero accidents and occupational injuries.” The Group’s Action Guidelines also call for safety first, and top management repeats this policy as the President’s message, etc., to all Group employees on many occasions, such as in opening addresses, plants visits, Safety Day messages, and in Company newsletters, portal site, etc.
The Group’s material topics include “safety” under the category of “prerequisites for business continuity,” and its VISION 2030 defines the “ideal state of safety” in the future as “reinforcing safety is our top priority to implement safety culture and maintain a high level of safety across the Group regardless of the diversification of employees, facilities, and technologies.” In line with this vision, all employees of the Mitsui Chemicals Group, including contractors, reaffirm their heartfelt commitment to the pledge that “safety is essential and for the benefit of not only ourselves, but also our families, colleagues, and society as a whole,” and the Group strives to provide education and training to employees to be able to put fundamental safety initiatives into practice, globally promote safety culture, and introduce and disseminate new safety technologies.
Safety and Prevention
Management System

Policy and Basic Approach
System and Responsible Officers
The responsible officer for the Production & Technology Center is appointed as the person directly responsible. The Safety & Environment Technology Division formulates, disseminates, and promotes the safety and prevention strategy.
The Responsible Care Committee creates an annual plan and a medium to long-term plan, based on the strategy progress reports and any challenges identified during the strategy review and environmental analyses obtained within and outside the Group.
Management and labor union members in the Head Office hold regular meetings to deliberate issues relating to occupational health and safety. Such meetings are also conducted in each site as Health and Safety Committee meetings, in which attendees report on and deliberate issues related to occupational health and safety, including occupational injuries, to continue to make improvements.
Safety and Prevention Management System

*Health and Safety Committee meetings: Committee composed of the head of each site and trade union members
The Safety & Environment Technology Division regularly monitors the achievement of the priority issue targets relating to safety and prevention at domestic sites and ascertains the progress made. The Division also collects, consolidates, and analyzes information on the occurrence of any serious accidents and occupational injuries across the entire Group and shares this information throughout the Group.
Internal Audit
The Internal Control Division conducts environmental & safety audits (for environmental protection, safety and prevention) at Works and laboratories of the Mitsui Chemicals Group.
Environmental & Safety Audit (safety and prevention) | Auditing Division | Internal Control Division |
Scope | Works and laboratories of Mitsui Chemicals Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates | |
Details | Confirms that the policy of “safety is our top priority” is being comprehensively implemented, that activities are being organized to eliminate accidents and occupational injuries and that there is compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Indicates nonconformities that require revision or improvement. | |
Frequency | Once every one to three years (depending on size, business type, and management level of the audited organization). |
Goals and Results
Metric | Scope | FY2023 | FY2024 | FY2030 (Medium to Long-term) | |
Goals | Results | Goals | Goals | ||
Incidence of major accidents*1 | Mitsui Chemicals Group | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 (over the course of VISION 2030) |
Incidence of abnormal conditions/accidents*2 | Mitsui Chemicals Group | 8 or less | 16 | 8 or less | ─ |
*1 Major accidents:
Accidents and abnormal conditions with a severity level of 18 points or more, as specified by the Japan Petrochemical Industry Association (JPCA) under the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) evaluation procedures, or events that involve death.
*2 Abnormal conditions/accidents:
Events that were legally handled as an abnormal condition or accident among the reported explosions, fires, leakages, bursts, breakages, or abnormal reactions.
However, such abnormal conditions or accidents exclude leakage of CFCs and small amount leakages.
Occupational injury
Metric | Scope | FY2023 | FY2024 | FY2030 (Medium to Long-term) | |
Goals | Results | Goals | Goals | ||
Incidence of Serious Occupational Injuries*1 | Mitsui Chemicals Group | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 (over the course of VISION 2030) |
Work-related Significant Occupational Injuries*2 frequency | Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.*3 | 0.15 or less | 0.05 | 0.15 or less | 0.15 or less |
Domestic Subsidiaries & Affiliates*3 | 0.15 or less | 0.53 | 0.15 or less | 0.15 or less | |
Overseas Subsidiaries & Affiliates*3 | 0.15 or less | 0.41 | 0.15 or less | 0.15 or less | |
Construction subcont | 0.26 or less | 0.33 | 0.26 or less | 0.30 or less | |
Mitsui Chemicals Group*3 | 0.15 or less | 0.28 | 0.15 or less | 0.15 or less |
*1 Serious Occupational Injuries:
Occupational injuries that fall under disability grades 1 to 7, causing death, injury or illness.
*2 Work-related Significant Occupational Injuries:
“Work-related Significant Occupational Injuries (WSOIs)” refer to occupational injuries that resulted in absence from work or death. WSOIs also include lighter occupational injuries that may lead to absence from work or death due to the potential danger in the cause of the injury. WSOIs do not include injuries that are not directly related to operations.
*3 Includes contractors operating on site.